Now That You Are Here

You have made it here,

You have worked hard to get here,

You have dreamed about getting here,

How do you feel?

Now that you’re here.

It has been a process getting here,

It has been a sacrifice getting here,

It has been a journey getting here,

Tell me how do you feel?

Now that you are here.

Work hard, Study long, and Do your best,

In life, in your endeavors, as you go forward,

Now that you are here.

The Journey continues. …….

Good morning Lord,

Good morning Lord,

Thank You for another day.

Thank You for the blessing of a new beginning.

Thank You for Your faithfulness and consistency.

Thank You for Your everlasting, redeeming,unconditional, perfect love.

Thank You for bringing me this far.

Thank You for Your Greatness, Your Goodness,and for Your Grace as well as Your mercy.

Thank You for carrying me through the storms and rain.

Thank You for moving mountains, allowing me to climb mountains, and for bringing me over the hills and valleys.

You are truly awesome,

You are absolutely wonderful, marvelous and magnificent.

You are worthy of all the Praise , Glory, and Honor.

Good morning Lord,

I am seeking to please You.

I desire to serve You.

Looking to You, to lead, guide, and direct me.

Looking to You to empower, equip, encourage and protect me.

Thank You again for this new day,

Thank You for always making a way.

Thank You for opening closed doors,

As I begin this new day, I acknowledge You, place, and seek You first,

Good morning Lord.

The Journey continues. …..

Faith With Works

As I am living , I am learning about more and more,

about Faith and Works….

The word says there is no life in faith without works.

I have learned that there is no hope, with faith without works.

There is no results in situations with faith without works.

When we have faith we please God.

When we step out on faith,

we make it possible for God to work it out,

Through us, in us, and for us.

Our faith walk is so important,

However it is more than a walk,

It is walking with action.

It is stepping out of your comfort zone.

It is asking for help.

It is doing your part,

It is believing, trusting, and surrendering.

Faith with works leads to blessings

Faith with works leads to testimonies and praise reports.

Faith with works leads to breakthroughs.

Where is your faith?

Are you walking by faith and not by sight?

Are you pleasing God with your faith?

Are you having works to accompany your faith?

What is your testimony of faith?

The Journey continues. .. . . .

Being Led By God

Like a ship with a sail on the sea,

The Lord is the wind that guides me.

The Lord is the wind that directs me.

The Lord is the wind that leads me.

On this journey there is a map that shows where places are,

Some places are near and some places are far.

However the Lord will direct me and keep me against all odds,

There is a peace which surpasses all understanding when you are led by God.

The Journey continues. ……..

Journey To A New Beginning

On a trip,

On a quest,

On a mission,

On a journey,

Beholding a new chapter.

Embracing a new beginning.

Appreciating a new experience.

Unfolding a new discovery

Traveling on new territory.

Yielding and welcoming new opportunities.

Are you ready for the journey????

With You I Can

With You, I can do anything,

With You, I can climb mountains.

With You , I can overcome obstacles,

With You, I can do the impossible,

With You I can persevere,

With You I can face my giants and my fears,

With You I can embark on new territory,

With You, I have the ability,

With You. I can go places I have never been,

With You, I cannot lose,

With You. I will win.

Will continue to stand in Your Word because it is true,

I have a greater testimony and victory ,when I trust, believe, and stand ,With You.

The Journey continues ………

We Cannot Be Afraid To Grow

In life we go through stages and phases,

We go through seasons for reasons.

We go through storms to teach us,

We go through valleys to reach us,

To reach out attention,

To reach our faith,

To reach our strength,

To reach our courage,

To reach our acceptance,

To reach our patience,

To reach our ability to endure,

To reach our ability to persevere,

To reach our ability to be resilient,

To reach out ability to pray and wait for the answer.

We cannot be afraid to venture out our comfort zone.

We cannot be afraid to venture out from the familiar to the unfamiliar.

Because all things work together for the good we know.

We must have faith in GOD and not be afraid to grow.

The Journey continues. ……

The Alarm

The sound of the alarm wakes up one who is sleeping,

The goal of the alarm is to help individuals with time keeping.

The alarm is set,

so that one will not forget.

To rise up at the appointed time,

To rise up and to set out to accomplish duties that have been assigned.

The alarm has made a sound to wake up a sleeping spirit,

The alarm is ringing and it won’t stop do you hear it.

Thankful for the alarms that rung and still ring in my life,

The alarms wake me from a deep sleep and helps me welcome day after night.

What time have yet set your alarm for?

What tasks await you?

Do you have enough time in your hands to press snooze?

Welcoming and Embracing the new day.

Good morning Lord, please go before me

And make clear my path.

The Journey continues. …….


Sometimes understanding comes with time,

Sometimes understanding comes when we have an open mind.

Sometimes understanding comes from experiences,

Sometimes our understanding becomes greater as we live.

It is a wonderful blessing to increase what we know,

It is a wonderful blessing to learn and to continue to grow.

Because some things, many things are in the Lord’s planning,

He can give us greater faith,

greater experiences,

And greater understanding.

When we seek Him, we will be able to find Him.

When we seek understanding, we will be able to obtain it.

The Journey continues………..

New Beginnings

A new day,  a new way,

A new path, a new journey,

New things, New messages,

New experiences, new enlightment,

New territory,  new beginnings.

With excitement.

With anticipation.

With enthusiasm.

With energy.

With positivity.

With an open mind and heart.

Embracing, Appreciating, and Recognizing, the blessing of a new beginning.