New Chapters

New Chapters, New Territories,

New Experiences, New Journeys,

Not discounting the current or previous chapters.

Because each chapter has its purpose and meanings.

Not minimizing the previous or current chapters.

Because with different chapters, different lessons, challenges, and experiences were gained.

With each lesson was the chance to learn.

Strength, Faith, Patience, and Endurance.

With each challenging chapter,

Was a chance to recognize resilience, determination, committment, dedication and perseverance.

With each experience was a chance to learn.

About one self, to gain wisdom, Courage and to learn to lean as well as to depend on God.

Each chapter has a purpose.

Each chapter has meaning.

Each chapter is significant.

Embrace the Journey.

What chapter are you on?????

The Journey continues. ……

Each Day

Each Day, I look to You Lord,

For Strength.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For Guidance and Direction.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For Inspiration.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For Courage.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For Protection.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For the Way.

Each Day I look to You Lord,

For the Answer.

I put You first in all that I do,

With each step that I prepare to take,

With each move that I prepare myself to make,

I Look to You.

The Journey continues. ……

A Place

A Place to go,

A Place to learn,

A Place to explore,

A Place to navigate,

A Place to experience,

A Place to be nurtured,

A Place to be enriched,

A Place to discover,

A Place to thrive,

A Place to be free,

A Place to be empowered,

A Place to be enlightened,

A Place to express,

A Place to be an individual,

A Place where you matter,

A Place where everyone is unique,

A Place where everyone is special,

Want to be in that place,

Want to go to that place,

Want to know where that place is…

Do you know of such a place?

Have you been to such a place?

Can you share with me of that place?

The Journey continues. …….

The Way There

When I do not know,

You show me,

The way there.

When I am not sure and uncertain,

You show me,

The way there.

When I am faced with challenges and adversity,

You show me,

The way there.

When I need guidance and direction,

You show me,

The way there.

You show me the way I must go,

You reveal to me the things I need to know.

The love You shower upon me,

nothing can compare,

You will not give me more than I can bear.

When I don’t know what to do,

You show me,

The way there.

I feel Your Divine Presence in my life and that You love me and You care.

And in times of struggle and despair,

I will trust You,

Because I know without a doubt,

You will show me,

The way there.


The Journey continues. ……..



Sometimes understanding comes with time,

Sometimes understanding comes when we have an open mind.

Sometimes understanding comes from experiences,

Sometimes our understanding becomes greater as we live.

It is a wonderful blessing to increase what we know,

It is a wonderful blessing to learn and to continue to grow.

Because some things, many things are in the Lord’s planning,

He can give us greater faith,

greater experiences,

And greater understanding.

When we seek Him, we will be able to find Him.

When we seek understanding, we will be able to obtain it.

The Journey continues………..

New Beginnings

A new day,  a new way,

A new path, a new journey,

New things, New messages,

New experiences, new enlightment,

New territory,  new beginnings.

With excitement.

With anticipation.

With enthusiasm.

With energy.

With positivity.

With an open mind and heart.

Embracing, Appreciating, and Recognizing, the blessing of a new beginning.


Blooming Where You Are Planted

To nurture, the soil and the environment.

The cultivate, the soil and the environment.

To enhance, the soil and the environment.

To embrace , the soil and the environment.

To be enriched, from soil and the environment.

To be better from the soil and the environment.

To appreciate, the soil and the environment.

The learn from the soil and the environment.

To grow from the soil and the environment.

To receive,

To achieve,

To give,

To live,

To bloom where you are planted.

The Time Is Now

The time is now,

The time is now to care,

The time is now to share,

The time is now to do,

The time is now to look unto You,

The time is now to be,

The time is now to see,

The time is now to walk,

The time is now to talk,

The time is now go forth,

The time is now to see what is store,

The time is now to bring,

The time is now to do something,

The Lord will show us how,

The Lord knows the time is now.

The Journey continues. ……..

A Student of Life

A student is one which is taught,

And unto the student the lesson is brought.

A student can be eager to obtain the knowledge that is shared,

A student can come to the setting of learning,  ready and prepared.

A student can also become overwhelmingly distracted in class,

A student may be given a test that is difficult to pass.

Some lessons may be harder to learn,

Some great grades may take more effort of studying, research , application and ,participation to earn.

Nevertheless never give into defeat,

Ask questions, pay attention, stay focused, and have a seat.

What ever the challenge you must do your best,

And you will find with preparation and endurance that you will past the test.

When you don’t give up , you be able to excell with challenges, with the Lord on your side.

A student can learn so many great  lessons as a student of life.

Embrace the Journey!!!!!

The Journey continues. ……..

Lessons in Reflection

There are lessons that we can learn when we reflect,

Lessons that can enrich our lives,  Lessons that we will never forget.

Sometimes the lesson we didn’t learn initially,

But then when we look back and review the experience there can be a great lesson we see,

There can be a great lesson to behold,

There can be done revelation and wisdom that richly unfolds.

There can be a lesson that we have learned that one day we share with another,

Our experience can possibly help someone get their life together.

There is a great inner reward in sharing experience, strength and hope,

There is great joy when our lessons help a heart to be encouraged, to have peace and to promote the courage to cope.

So let’s embrace our experiences and feel the freedom of expression,

Let’s behold the gift of being a student of life as we learn great lessons.

The Journey continues……….