Where You Have Brought Me

When I think about where You brought me,

When I think about what You taught me.

When I think about how You bring me through,

When I think about how I am nothing without You.

When I think about how You hold me up,

When I think about how You have walked and talked with me when the valleys were rough.

When I think about who You have made me to be,

When I think about how You are all I need.

I feel Your hand upon my life,

I feel you taking away what is wrong and making it right.

I feel blessed and I feel complete,

I feel am overflow of love when I think about how far You have brought me.

The Journey continues. …….

Powerful Transitions

Life is full of powerful transitions.

Some transitions are more powerful than others but nevertheless move you, impact you, and change your life.

As we journey throughout life we can learn from the transitions.

If we are patient,

If we prepare,

and if we are purposeful,

To  learn, grow and being more fulfilled throughout the transition.

We can receive and appreciate the Overflow that life transitions brings.

The emotional and mental deposits that we draw from through these transitions,

Can be replenished and give us a spiritual, emotional, and mental surplus that can and will carry us through our next powerful transition.

So grateful for God carrying us through one powerful life transition at a time.


The Journey continues. …..

This Appointed Time

This time is appointed,

This time is anointed.

This time is meant to be,

This time is destiny.

This time is a time of happiness,

This time is a time of being blessed.

This time is God ordained,

This time is God arranged.

This time we have anticipated,

This time is here, we have made it.

The Lord has let His light and His miracles shine,

Thank You Lord for being so good,

Thank You for this time.

The Journey continues. …….

Stretching Forth

From my womb, when I carried you I felt that there was something great that would emerge,

And when you came literally bursting through the world, it let me know to get ready for you.

Because even then you appeared ready to go beyond the limited space in my womb.

One of the first things you did when you were born was you stretched out.

And when I saw how long you were, I said wow, it is amazing that this powerful, strong, beautiful and amazing life was inside of me.

And today, You continue to stretch beyond me.

And as I embrace you as you stretch to higher heights and deeper depths,

I thank God for allowing you to go the places, me and your Father haven’t been.

Because you have stretched,

We are stretching,

You have inspired us,

Remain inspired and continue to stretch.

Remember you are” Called to Greatness”

Do not shrink but stretch.

I Love you and I am Proud of you,

My Son.

The Journey continues. ……

Now That You Are Here

You have made it here,

You have worked hard to get here,

You have dreamed about getting here,

How do you feel?

Now that you’re here.

It has been a process getting here,

It has been a sacrifice getting here,

It has been a journey getting here,

Tell me how do you feel?

Now that you are here.

Work hard, Study long, and Do your best,

In life, in your endeavors, as you go forward,

Now that you are here.

The Journey continues. …….

Precious In The Sight of God

Beautiful and Precious in the Sight of God.

Wonderful and Precious in the Sivrght of God.

A Miracle and Precious in the Sight of God.

Amazing and Precious in the Sight of God.

Life so awesome and Precious in the Sight of God.

Such a radiant light, Precious in the Sight of God.

Such a a great gift that is bright, Precious in the Sight of God.

Such an inspiration, Precious in the Sight of God.

O Lord, You are so Great and the Giver of life

We embrace and adore the things that have such wonder, the things that are Precious in Your Sight.

Celebrating what is Precious in the Sight of God.

The Journey continues. …..


Connections come from the spirit.

Connections come from the heart.

Connections come from bonds.

Connections come from identifying.

Connections come from inspiration.

Connections come from motivation.

Connections come from interaction.

Connections come from communication.

Connections are exceptional.

Connections are intentional.

Connections are wonderful.

Connections can touch one’s heart, mind, and spirit.

Connections can move one’s heart, mind, and spirit.

Connections can enhance one’s heart, mind, and spirit

Connections can enrich and enlighten one’s life experience and journey.

So thankful for connections.

Where would our lives be without connections?

Where would my life be without my connections?

How is your life greater and richer because of your connections?

Thinking of Kylah and Mocha 8-6-18

The Journey continues. ….

Angel on Earth 8-5-2018

Do you believe in angels on earth?

People that God sends into your life to help heal the hurt.

Do you believe God sends people along the way?

Who are a blessing to you by what they do and by what they say.

Do you believe that people can be such a light?

Do you believe that people can be Agents of change in your life?

Do you believe in the power of love?

And that there are Angels on earth, sent to our lives from above.

I believe in Angels sent by God,

Who remind us of His love and that we can make it against all odds.

I believe that through His mercy and grace,

He has angels in earth, all over the place.

I am so thankful for her presence, she is an example of how walking by faith works,

I truly love and I am blessed by my Angel on Earth.

Happy Birthday C. Dorvil 8-5-2018

Thank you for how you have richly blessed our lives.

The Journey continues. …….


Inspiration can come from different things, different people, and different places.

Inspiration can come from reflecting on His amazing grace.

Inspiration is that lasting impression,

Inspiration gives us internal and external motivation.

Inspiration can impact us to take action,

Inspiration can lead one to have a powerful reaction.

Pay attention because you never know where inspiration may come from,

Inspiration and motivation can certainly come from the Holy One.

What inspires you today??????

The Journey continues…….

New Chapters

New Chapters, New Territories,

New Experiences, New Journeys,

Not discounting the current or previous chapters.

Because each chapter has its purpose and meanings.

Not minimizing the previous or current chapters.

Because with different chapters, different lessons, challenges, and experiences were gained.

With each lesson was the chance to learn.

Strength, Faith, Patience, and Endurance.

With each challenging chapter,

Was a chance to recognize resilience, determination, committment, dedication and perseverance.

With each experience was a chance to learn.

About one self, to gain wisdom, Courage and to learn to lean as well as to depend on God.

Each chapter has a purpose.

Each chapter has meaning.

Each chapter is significant.

Embrace the Journey.

What chapter are you on?????

The Journey continues. ……