Leaving the Nest 5-30

My son

In 67 days you will be leaving the nest. Right now you are preparing for your graduation .

You’ve had several ceremonies in your life and at each level of achievement we all were very proud…..



4th grade commencement

8th grade commencement

And now High school graduation

This time when you complete this level, you will go beyond your home.

I know that you will miss home because there is no place like it.

Sometimes we have to go away to appreciate more and more what we have.

Like I have heard it said, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

The Journey continues…….πŸ’–

He Did It For You and Me

He did it for you and me,

that sacrifice so that we can be free .

He died on the cross,

For all that are lost.

He did it for you and me.

He made the sacrifice,

He gave up His life,

Then he rose again, coming out of darkness into the light.

What Greater Love is this, to make our lives complete,

He did it for you,

He did it for me.

Knowing what He would go through,

He did it for me and He did it for you.

Knowing that they will be a place for us in Eternity,

He did it for you and He did it for me

He loved us before we loved ourselves, Jesus Our Mighty Savior, Jesus Our Greatest Help.

He gave sight to the blind so that they can see,

He did it for you,

He did it for me.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

38 days to 40 5-17

For the past few months everyday, Β I have been thinking about turning 40.

It is milestone that I have been anticipating.

It was just another day I was 20. The years go by.

Celebrating and embracing the day Β I was born has always been important to me.

It’s not any other day.

It is my birthday.

I share a birthday with my sister,

So all my life it has always been our birthday.

I think I began to do heavy reflecting once the 30th birthday came.

That birthday was a reminder that my 20’s are behind me.

I was curious then of what my 30’s would be like.

Because my 20’s were welcoming motherhood at 21, 23, and 26.

So as I grew with my family, so did my ability to rediscover and define who I was.

And today as I stand in the threshold of my 40th Birthday,

I am ……

A Believer in Christ

A Wife

A Mother

A Β Daughter

A Sister

A Counselor

A Friend

And a Dreamer.

I am not only these things nor am I limited to these things.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. πŸ’–

The Journey continues……πŸ’–

Decades and Destiny

Looking at my life, and looking at decades

There will be soon four decades of life….

At age 10, Was a shy little girl that was proud to be the age of 2 hands. Even at that age, was dreaming about doing something that involved helping others. Had dreams of possibly becoming a teacher or a singer.

Throughout my first decade I experienced many firsts, and made decisions out of impulsivity and inexperience. I suffered from a low self esteem and self worth. I became someone who ran away from my problems.

In my teens I looked for love and in the wrong places. I often felt misunderstood. Β Even in my wilderness, God sent people to remind me that He loves me and that He cares.

At age 20, Amazement that I was an adult, however still struggled with adult responsibilities. At the age of 20, I gave my life to Christ. I felt and nudging and a pressing and made a decision to put my Hands in the Master’s Hands.

In my 20’s I experienced many life changes, I gave my life to Christ, I got married, I had all 3 of my babies in my 20’s, and I began working with others in the Human Services field. In my 20’s I was able to discover who I was. I was able to heal from the pain, resentment and remorse of the past. In my 20’s I discovered the power of the pen and words. I was greatly inspired to write words of encouragement to impact others.

At age 30, Wow, it was a time of saying goodbye to those 20’s. I was young however not as young as I used to be. Was standing in the threshold of my 30’s anticipating what will be next. In my 30’s I began a career of Counseling, helping the broken, the hurt, as well as those seeking restoration and recovery.

In my 30’s I found my voice and had a platform to use my voice. I realized this voice is to be used for the glory of God.

At age 40, I will soon be, I look to the Lord to be with me as He had throughout my life. Throughout those stages, and phases. Throughout those life changes. I anticipate what God has for me. I anticipate my faith and my relationship with Christ to grow richer and stronger. Continuing to seek instruction, guidance, and inspiration from Him. Bring Him Glory with my voice and seeking to empower, encourage, equip and edify others with His Word.

Each Decade has brought me closer to my Destiny.πŸ’–

To Be A Mother

To be a Mother is life changing and life affirming.

To be a Mother is a task, a charge, an assignment and a mission.

To sow into a life,

To teach about life,

To guide throughout life,

To bring into life,

To help navigate and direct through life,

Through the different stages and phases.

To affirm,

To encourage,

To nurture,

To love,

To care,

To demonstrate,

To illustrate,

To motivate,

To influence,

To encourage,

To challenge,

To hold accountable,

The responsibilities of a Mother intensify as you go through life,

The responsibilites are above and beyond.

The responsibilities are listed but not limited to.

The responsibilities are subject to change.

This world that you and God brought your child to.

To help them navigate through.

As a Mother in the beginning you carrying them.

Then there are times As a Mother you walk with them.

Then there are times As a Mother when you do almost everything for them.

There are times As a Mother

You guide and protect them.

And then are times As a Mother You must step aside and encourage them.

As they go on,

As they go forth,

As they independently go to navigate the world.

You begin there physically and spiritually,

Then you also take on being there emotionally and mentally .

Through constant prayer.

You will always be there.

However you will not be able to carry them.

You can pray to the Lord to carry them.

Through constant prayer.

You will always be there.

However you will not be able to walk with them.

You can pray to the Lord to walk with them.

Through constant prayer.

You will always be there.

However you can not do almost everything for them.

You can pray to the Lord to make ways for them.

Through constant prayer.

You will always be there.

However you will not always be there to guide and protect them.

You can ask God to always guide and protect them.

Through constant prayer.

You will always be there.

Sharing encouragement and loving them beyond measure.

As a Mother,

You and God work together,

He is greater and has all power

However God ordained, appointed and annointed a Mother. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ

Keep the Message

Keep the Message in your heart

Keep the Message in your mind

Keep the Message in your spirit

Carry the Message in your heart

Carry the Message in your mind

Carry the Message in your spirit

Share the Message in your heart

Share the Message Β in your mind

Share the Message in your spirit

Embrace the Message in your heart

Embrace the Message in your mind

Embrace the Message in your spirit. πŸ’–


46 days to 40 (5-9)

As each day passes and I get closer to this milestone, my heart overflows with Gratitude. God has been good to me. He loved me before I loved myself. He saw purpose in me when I saw no reason to go on with life. I am so thankful for God rescuing me and bringing me from darkness to light. I am thankful for the Lord bringing me from pain to joy. I am so very thankful. The journey continues………..πŸ’–

God Has A Plan

If someone would have told me 20 years ago that I would be who I am and I would be doing what I am doing,

I would not have believed them.

It would have been hard for me to grasp because at that time, I had no vision.

My vision went no further than at the present moment.

It was difficult for me to see beyond right now.

I had thoughts about the future however no concrete plan and no confidence in the ability to carry it out.

Even if I look back 25 years, I was 15 years old. At that time I was soon to enter the wilderness period of my life.

Foolish due to inexperience,

Foolish due to impulsivity,

Foolish due to the poor choices and decisions

Which brought me to the wilderness

It is amazing God’s plan for us.

It is amazing that God has a purpose and destiny for us.

It is amazing how God brought me through.

God brought me out of the wilderness and brought me to a place of stability.

God brought me to a place of healing

God brought me to a place of discovery

God brought me to a place of recovering myself.

God put people in my life to let me know that He cares about me.

God put people in my life to let me know that He loves me.

God put people in my life to let me know that He was concerned about me.

God put people in my life to remind me I have a purpose and destiny.

God has a plan for me and God has a plan for You.

Trusting in Him every step of the way, gives me comfort.

Knowing that He has a purpose and a plan. πŸ’–

On The Mind Of God

Caring about You and I ,

Making a difference in many lives.

Bringing us through against the odds,

You and I are on the mind of God.

Loving us to no end,

We are held in His unchanging Hands.

For our lives he has a purpose and a plan.

He has brought us through the storm and rain again and again.

His power, grace and mercy, no one can stop,

You and I are on the mind of God.

On His mind and He keeps making a way,

On His mind day after day .

He has the power to bring us to the very top,

You and I are on the mind of God. πŸ’–